97% of search engine users search online to find a local business. If users want to find a local business online, they turn to search engine users first.

You’ve got a blog, maybe you even post consistently. That’s a great start. But if you’re frustrated by crickets chirping and lack of any actual traffic those posts create, there’s something missing. Content isn’t just about keywords, it needs to be strategically crafted to actually reach the right people and motivate them to link, share, and ultimately visit your business.

  •  80% of local searches convert

  • 50% of users visit a store within a day of a local search

  • 91% of consumers 18-34 years-old trust businesses with positive reviews

Content Ideation That Turns Data into Links

  • Industry Insights: Use tools like Buzzsumo to see which topics in your field get widely shared across social media and on authoritative blogs. Can you provide a fresh spin, with a localized angle, that appeals to the local audience?
  • Answer Aggregator Analysis: Sites like Quora are full of people asking questions that you, as an expert in your field, can provide unique insight into. Write blog content tailored to the needs of locals searching for Your City-specific answers to those problems.
  • Newsjacking Success: Did [a recent event] spark local discussion? A [new industry regulation] have [Your City] businesses worried? Timely blog commentary positions you as the authority AND gets eyeballs on your content at the height of public interest.

Beyond Blog Posts: Visuals Drive Visibility

  • Custom Infographics: Package local stats or research you’ve done on customer challenges into a shareable format. Include your branding so if it makes it onto other websites, you get recognition.
  • “Best of [Your City]” Roundups: Curate collections of interesting places, services, or local events related to your industry. Include businesses you admire and may get a friendly share in return.
  • Leverage Video (Don’t Fear It!): Even simple demos, explainers, or a customer testimonial filmed in your location makes your content unique and far more appealing for social sharing.

The Local Advantage

Link building that works for local businesses often isn’t a matter of reaching giant publications. It’s about strategically tapping into:

  • Local News Outlets: They crave local focused content that’s interesting to readers. Expert commentary on trends is a golden opportunity.
  • Regional Blogs: Look beyond just ones directly tied to your industry. Can you provide a guest post for a local lifestyle blog with subtle tie-ins to your specialty?
  • Partnerships: Are there adjacent businesses offering a complementary service, but not direct competition? Co-created content is a mutually beneficial way to expand reach.

Need Some Fuel for Your  Content Marketing Fire?

Developing impactful content calendars takes an understanding of both your ideal local customer and the art of online attention.

Our personalized content strategies in our Total Local Package take the guesswork out of the equation, delivering content that converts, not just sits unread on your website. Schedule a discovery call today to explore the possibilities.

Don’t Let Competitors Outrank You – Schedule Your Strategy Call Now


Check out our last blog on: Does Schema Markup Really Boost Your Local SEO Rankings?