97% of search engine users search online to find a local business. If users want to find a local business online, they turn to search engine users first.

You already know that backlinks are a key part of good SEO.  But when you’re focused on local search, the websites linking to yours take on even greater importance.  Think of links as online recommendations.  A recommendation from someone in your community carries extra weight, and search engines recognize this.

  •  80% of local searches convert

  • 50% of users visit a store within a day of a local search

  • 91% of consumers 18-34 years-old trust businesses with positive reviews

What Makes a Link ‘Local’?

Not all local links are created equal.  Here’s what makes a link especially valuable for local SEO:

Location, Location:  Websites that are based in your city, town, or region are strong signals of your local relevance. This includes other businesses, local news outlets, or community organizations.

Industry Relevance: Links from websites related to your niche, even if they aren’t strictly local, boost your topical authority. Think industry associations, trade blogs, or even larger sites featuring businesses within your industry in your area.

Context Matters:  A link within a local news article, a “best of” list  for your city, or a blog post about happenings in your area can carry significant local weight.

Finding Local Link Building Opportunities

Here’s where to look for opportunities to build those valuable local connections:

Sponsorships:  Support local events, charities, or sports teams. In addition to good PR, this often earns you a link from their website.

Community Partnerships:  Collaborate with complementary businesses on promotions, events, or content. This can lead to natural cross-linking opportunities.

Local News & Media: Can you contribute a quote for a story or pitch a guest article as an expert in your field?  Local publications are a great source of relevant links.

Directories & Citations:  Ensure you’re listed in the major directories (Yelp, etc.), but also seek niche directories specific to your industry or location.


Ethical Link Building – Building Relationships, Not Just Links

The best local link building is about more than just acquiring links; it’s about forging relationships within your community. Here’s how:

Offer Value First:  Before asking for a link, find ways to be helpful. Share their content, leave a positive review, or offer a testimonial.

Guest Content:  Provide high-quality articles to local blogs or publications in exchange for a natural link back to your relevant content.

Become the Resource:  Create valuable content (guides, neighborhood resources, etc.) that other local websites will naturally want to reference and link to.


Building a strong network of local links demonstrates to search engines that you’re a trusted and established part of your community.  This kind of local authority can dramatically boost your local search visibility.

Don’t Let Competitors Outrank You – Schedule Your Strategy Call Now

Ready to elevate your local link profile?  Our “Local Competitive Advantage Package” includes comprehensive local link building strategies, along with the content creation that will fuel your success. Contact us to learn more!