97% of search engine users search online to find a local business. If users want to find a local business online, they turn to search engines first.

“Hey Siri, find the best coffee shop near me.” Voice search is rapidly changing how people discover local businesses. Are you prepared to be found when customers speak their queries?

The Rise of Voice Assistants and Local SEO:

  • Increasing Popularity: Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are becoming increasingly popular,especially for local searches.
  • Conversational Queries: Voice searches tend to be more conversational and longer than typed searches, often phrased as questions.
  • Local Intent: Many voice searches have local intent, with users seeking nearby businesses or services.

  •  80% of local searches convert

  • 50% of users visit a store within a day of a local search

  • 91% of consumers 18-34 years-old trust businesses with positive reviews

Optimizing Your Local Business for Voice Search:

  1. Claim and Optimize Your Google My Business Listing: Ensure your GMB listing is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. This is crucial for appearing in voice search results.
  2. Focus on Conversational Keywords: Incorporate natural language and question-based keywords into your website content and meta descriptions.
  3. Create FAQ Pages: Anticipate common voice search queries and provide clear, concise answers on FAQ pages.
  4. Optimize for Local SEO: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, has a fast loading speed, and includes local keywords and phrases.
  5. Schema Markup: Implement schema markup to help search engines understand your business information and provide more relevant results.

Adapting Your Local SEO Strategy for Voice Search:

  • Think Local: Focus on local keywords and phrases that people are likely to use in voice searches.
  • Answer Questions: Structure your content to answer common questions related to your products or services.
  • Mobile-First: Prioritize mobile optimization, as many voice searches are conducted on smartphones.
  • Track Voice Search Performance: Monitor your website analytics to see how voice search is impacting your traffic and conversions.

Don’t let your business get lost in the voice search revolution. D&D SEO Services can help you optimize your online presence for voice search and ensure your business is heard when customers are speaking. Contact us today to learn more about our voice search optimization strategies.


Check out our last blog on:

The Future of Local Search: Predictions by D&D SEO Services