97% of search engine users search online to find a local business. If users want to find a local business online, they turn to search engine users first.

Launching a local SEO campaign is just the start. To know if your efforts are paying off (and where to make adjustments), you need to monitor the right metrics. Don’t let complex analytics scare you – we’ll break down the crucial numbers and how they impact your business.

  •  80% of local searches convert

  • 50% of users visit a store within a day of a local search

  • 91% of consumers 18-34 years-old trust businesses with positive reviews


Why Tracking Matters

Blindly throwing effort into local SEO is like cooking without tasting your dish. Tracking helps you:

  • Spot wins: Discover what’s working well so you can do more of it!
  • Identify trouble spots: See what’s lagging and figure out what needs course correction.
  • Show ROI to clients: Use data to back up your value proposition and keep clients happy (only applicable if you’re serving clients as an agency).

5 Metrics That Matter Most

  1. Google Business Profile Insights: Your GMB dashboard is crammed with insights. Focus on these:
    • Queries Used to Find Your Business: What search terms are people using? Are they hyperlocal?
    • Where Customers View You on Google:Mainly Search? Or prominently through maps? This guides optimization efforts.
    • Customer Actions: Did they visit your website, request directions, or call? Helps you see what the profile drives.
  2. Website Traffic (with Location Breakdown): Your analytics (like Google Analytics) let you dig into local traffic:
    • Geographic Source: Are you actually gaining traction in your desired area?
    • New vs. Returning Visitors: Shows if you’re building a loyal local audience.
    • Traffic by Device: How many are looking on mobile? Emphasizes the need for mobile-friendliness.
  3. Keyword Rankings: Tracking where you rank for key local terms is essential. Tools help, but you can get some insight manually:
    • Local Search: Search for “[keyword] + [city],” note where you appear and whether map results dominate.
    • Incognito Mode: Prevents your browser from biasing results based on search history.
  4. Online Reviews: Both their  quantity and quality impact your ranking potential.
    • Review Volume: A steady stream of new reviews keeps things fresh.
    • Star Rating: High star ratings attract clicks and build trust.
    • Sentiment: Are reviews positive? Negative ones need timely handling.
  5. Leads/Sales (If Applicable): Ultimately, SEO should move a business metric. Connect the dots:
    • Phone Calls: Are you seeing increases in calls tracked through GMB insights or call-tracking software?
    • Contact Forms: How many lead form submissions come in each month?
    • In-Store Traffic: While harder to track definitively, anecdotal evidence (like more foot traffic) is still beneficial to note.

Don’t Be a Metric Zombie

Just staring at numbers is useless. Take time to:

  • Set benchmarks: Where are you starting from? This makes measuring progress easier.
  • Interpret within context: Is a dip temporary (say, around holidays)? Think about possible reasons.
  • Take action: Let the data inform your strategy – add content, update GMB, etc.

Need Help With the Numbers?

Sifting through analytics can be a chore. At D&D SEO Services, , we offer in-depth reporting and analysis, translating technical data into clear action plans for your business.


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