97% of search engine users search online to find a local business. If users want to find a local business online, they turn to search engines first.

Losing your Google Business Profile (GBP) to a suspension can feel like a catastrophe, leaving your local business invisible to potential customers. But fret not, dear reader! We, the SEO experts at D&D SEO Services, are here to guide you through the reinstatement process like a trusty feline companion navigating a complex labyrinth.

  •  80% of local searches convert

  • 50% of users visit a store within a day of a local search

  • 91% of consumers 18-34 years-old trust businesses with positive reviews

The power of local seo

Why Your GBP is Your Business’s Best Friend

Just like a loyal cat brings joy and companionship, your GBP is crucial for attracting and engaging customers. It’s the virtual doorway to your brick-and-mortar establishment, showcasing your address, phone number, website, reviews, and photos to potential customers. A suspension cuts you off from this vital connection, making it essential to understand the reappeal process and reclaim your digital paw-print.

Common Reasons Why Google Suspends GBPs: The Feline Follies

  • Keyword Stuffing: Like a cat overindulging in catnip, some businesses try to stuff their GBP name with irrelevant keywords to rank higher. Google frowns upon this manipulative behavior.
  • Virtual Office Faux Paw: Using a virtual office or P.O. Box address instead of a physical location where customers can find you.
  • Service Area Business (SAB) Slip-Ups: SABs like plumbers and locksmiths are often under greater scrutiny due to the nature of their business.
  • Mismatched Information Mischief: Inconsistent information between your GBP and website can confuse Google and lead to a suspension.
  • Other Mishaps: These may include broken links, issues with your Google account, or violating Google’s guidelines.

Preparing for Your Appeal: Getting Your Ducks (or Cats) in a Row

Before you embark on your reappeal quest, take a moment to gather your resources and prepare like a cat stalking its prey:

  1. Read the Rulebook (aka Google’s Guidelines): Familiarize yourself with Google’s guidelines for GBPs and understand the specific policy you violated.
  2. Seek Professional Help (if needed): If you’re unsure about the process or need a helping paw, consider consulting with D&D SEO Services or a Google Business Profile Product Expert.
  3. Gather Your Evidence: Collect any documentation that supports your business’s legitimacy, such as business licenses, utility bills, photos of your storefront, or customer testimonials.
  4. Correct Any Violations: Fix any issues that led to the suspension. If you were keyword stuffing, remove the unnecessary keywords. If your address was inaccurate, update it.

How to Submit Your Appeal: The Purrfect Prowl

Now that you’re armed with knowledge and evidence, it’s time to pounce on that appeal:

  1. Access the Appeals Tool: Log in to your Google My Business account and locate the reinstatement request form.
  2. State Your Case: Clearly and concisely explain why your GBP should be reinstated. Be honest, transparent, and provide evidence to back up your claims.
  3. Submit Supporting Documentation: Upload any relevant documents that prove your business’s legitimacy and address the reasons for suspension.
  4. Be Patient: Google may take a few days to review your appeal. While you wait, ensure your GBP information is accurate and up-to-date.

What to Do if Your Appeal Gets Rejected: The Second Pounce

If your initial appeal is unsuccessful, don’t lose hope! You can submit a second appeal with additional evidence:

  1. Review the Rejection Reason: Carefully read Google’s explanation for the denial and address any outstanding issues.
  2. Gather More Evidence: If possible, provide additional documentation to strengthen your case.
  3. Submit a Second Appeal: Follow the same steps as before, but be even more thorough and detailed in your response.

The Final Meow: Last Chance for Reinstatement

If your second appeal is also denied, you have one final opportunity to persuade Google. This is your chance to present the most compelling evidence possible. Highlight any changes you’ve made to comply with Google’s guidelines and emphasize your commitment to maintaining an accurate and informative GBP.

In Conclusion: A Purrfectly Reinstated GBP

By following these steps and seeking the expert guidance of D&D SEO Services, you can increase your chances of successfully appealing a GBP suspension. Remember, patience, persistence, and a thorough approach are key. Soon enough, your GBP will be back in action, attracting customers and boosting your local business.

If you need assistance with your GBP appeal or any other SEO needs, don’t hesitate to contact D&D SEO Services. We’re the cat’s meow when it comes to local SEO and Google Business Profile optimization!


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The Future of Local Search: Predictions by D&D SEO Services