97% of search engine users search online to find a local business. If users want to find a local business online, they turn to search engine users first.

Think about the last time you searched for a local business online. Did you just want a list of features, or did you want to understand how that business could solve your specific problem, in your specific area?  Great local SEO copywriting does more than just stuff keywords onto a page – it connects with the people searching for what you offer.

  •  80% of local searches convert

  • 50% of users visit a store within a day of a local search

  • 91% of consumers 18-34 years-old trust businesses with positive reviews

Service Pages That Speak to Local Customers

Your service pages are often the first impression for potential customers. Here’s how to make them work for local search:

Go Beyond the Generic:  Don’t just list the service; describe how you do it differently or better for customers in your area.  Use local modifiers in your descriptions – instead of “lawn care,” think “lawn care in [city, state].”


Answer Their Questions:  What might someone considering your service want to know, specifically because they are in your location? Address these concerns upfront (think climate considerations, local regulations, etc.)


Focus on Benefits, Not Just Features: A feature is what your service does, a benefit is what it means for the customer and why they should choose you.


Blog Posts That Address Your Local Audience’s Needs


A blog is your chance to establish yourself as the local expert and build trust. Here’s how:

Tap Into Local Search Queries:  Use keyword tools to find what people search for with a location focus (e.g., “best time for landscaping in [city]” or “emergency plumber near me.”

Connect With Local News & Events:  Is there a big festival coming up? Write a blog post offering tips related to your service. This shows you’re part of the community.

Write for Voice Search:  People ask questions out loud to their phones and smart speakers.  Use natural language and a conversational style to increase your chances of showing up in voice search results.


The Power of Storytelling in Local Content

Share Success Stories:  Highlight how you’ve solved problems for other people in your community. Customer testimonials with a local connection are especially powerful.

Showcase Your Local Roots:  Mention your history in the area, community involvement, or what you love about serving your local clientele.


Compelling, locally-focused content isn’t just about keywords— it’s about forging a connection with your ideal customers.  By investing in quality content, you’ll attract qualified leads, boost your site’s authority, and enhance your overall local SEO success.


Don’t Let Competitors Outrank You – Schedule Your Strategy Call Now

Ready to elevate your local content game? Our “Local Competitive Advantage Package” includes comprehensive content expansion to help you dominate local search. Contact us today to learn more!