97% of search engine users search online to find a local business. If users want to find a local business online, they turn to search engine users first.

Let’s be honest, negative reviews make you cringe. But it’s not the end of the world! How you handle them can turn disgruntled customers into loyal fans – and demonstrate your excellent customer service to everyone watching online.

  •  80% of local searches convert

  • 50% of users visit a store within a day of a local search

  • 91% of consumers 18-34 years-old trust businesses with positive reviews

The Do’s and Don’ts of Negative Review Response

First, the fundamentals:

  • DO respond promptly: Even if you need time to dig into the situation, acknowledge the review quickly.
  • DON’T take it personally: Criticism of your business isn’t an attack on you as a person. Stay professional.
  • DO understand the complaint: Truly try to see things from their perspective before hitting ‘reply.’
  • DON’T get defensive: It comes across poorly and escalates conflict, not solutions.

X Tactics For Transforming Negatives into Positives

  1. The Simple Acknowledgement: “Thank you for sharing your feedback. We’re very sorry to hear about your experience.” This basic approach works if the problem was minor and readily fixable.
  2. The Genuine Apology (When Warranted): When your business clearly dropped the ball, own up to it. “We sincerely apologize for [issue]. This isn’t up to our usual standards…”
  3. The Problem-Solving Pivot: “We’d like to make this right. Please contact us directly at [email/phone] to discuss a solution.” Taking it offline showcases your dedication to the customer.
  4. Address it Publicly (Wisely):  Sometimes, setting the record straight publicly is okay. “We’ve investigated this situation, and while we usually [do X], in this case [briefly explain why issue couldn’t be resolved as they hoped].”  Don’t go into extensive detail.
  5. Highlight a Change: If the review cites an outdated policy or an issue you’ve fixed, let them know! “Thanks for the feedback. We’ve recently updated our [process/policy/etc.] to address this concern.”

Bonus: Prevent Future Headaches

  • Encourage Direct Feedback: Make it easy for customers to contact you, so negative reviews aren’t their first and only resort.
  • Actively Seek Reviews: More positive reviews make a few negative ones less scary.
  • Review Internally: Is there a pattern to complaints? Can systems be improved to prevent these issues from recurring?

Reputation Repair Pros

Managing negative reviews goes beyond crafting the perfect response. When bad reviews pile up, a bad online reputation can take a serious toll on your business. D&D SEO Services has experience in comprehensive reputation management, helping turn your ratings around.


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