Boost Your Small Business Visibility: Understanding Google’s August 2024 Core Update

Google’s August 2024 core update is here, and it’s a big deal, especially for small and independent websites. Launched on August 15th, this update promises more visibility and higher rankings for genuinely useful content from smaller publishers. Here are the key highlights:

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on Small and Independent Sites: More exposure for high-quality content from smaller publishers.
  • Based on Feedback: Addressing issues and feedback since the September 2023 helpful content update.
  • Rolling Out Over a Month: Expect ranking fluctuations until the rollout completes.

This update aims to filter out less useful content made just to rank well, promoting material that truly benefits users. John Mueller from Google explains that the aim is to “show more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well on Search.”

As the founder of D&D SEO Services, I’ve spent over a decade helping small businesses like yours steer the ever-changing landscape of SEO and digital marketing. My experience with core updates, especially Google’s August 2024 core update, allows me to provide insights that will help you adapt and thrive. For more detailed strategies and insights, continue reading the article.

Google Core Update Highlights - Google’s August 2024 core update infographic pyramid-hierarchy-5-steps

Easy Google’s August 2024 core update word list:

What is Google’s August 2024 Core Update?

Google’s August 2024 core update is a significant change to Google’s search algorithm, aimed at improving the quality of search results. Announced on August 15, 2024, this update focuses on several key areas:

Algorithm Changes

The update introduces refinements to Google’s core ranking systems. These changes help Google better understand if webpages offer genuine value or if they are merely optimized for search engines. This means the algorithm will now demote low-quality, SEO-focused content and promote high-quality, user-focused material.

“This update involves refining some of our core ranking systems to help us better understand if webpages are unhelpful, have a poor user experience, or feel like they were created for search engines instead of people.” — Google

Search Result Quality

Google’s primary goal with this core update is to improve the overall quality of search results. This means showing more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well in search.

Google's focus on useful content - Google’s August 2024 core update infographic checklist-light-blue-grey

Focus on Small and Independent Sites

One of the standout features of the August 2024 core update is its emphasis on promoting high-quality content from smaller and independent websites. Google aims to provide more visibility to these sites, ensuring that users find diverse and original content.

Feedback Incorporation

This update also takes into account feedback from content creators and other stakeholders. Google has listened to the concerns raised since past updates, like the September 2023 helpful content update and the March 2024 core update. This feedback has been crucial in shaping the current changes to better serve both users and content creators.

Ranking Improvements

The update aims to better reflect positive changes made by websites. If you’ve been diligently improving your content, this update could help your site regain or improve its rankings. Google has stated that the update will capture improvements that sites may have made, which will be reflected in their search rankings.

Key Features of the August 2024 Core Update

Focus on Small and Independent Sites

One of the standout features of the August 2024 core update is its emphasis on promoting high-quality content from smaller and independent websites. Google aims to provide more visibility to these sites, ensuring that users find diverse and original content.

“We aim to connect people with a range of high-quality sites, including small or independent sites that are creating useful, original content on relevant searches.” — John Mueller, Google

Feedback Incorporation

This update also takes into account feedback from content creators and other stakeholders. Google has listened to the concerns raised since past updates, like the September 2023 helpful content update and the March 2024 core update. This feedback has been crucial in shaping the current changes to better serve both users and content creators.

Ranking Improvements

The update aims to better reflect positive changes made by websites. If you’ve been diligently improving your content, this update could help your site regain or improve its rankings. Google has stated that the update will capture improvements that sites may have made, which will be reflected in their search rankings.

“This latest update takes into account the feedback we’ve heard from some creators and others over the past few months.” — John Mueller, Google

In summary, Google’s August 2024 core update is about making search results more useful and giving a fair shot to smaller, high-quality content creators. The update is rolling out gradually over a month, so expect some fluctuations in your search rankings during this period. For more detailed strategies and insights, continue reading the article.

How the Update Affects Search Rankings

Differentiating Between Core Update and Ranking Bug

Google’s August 2024 core update and a ranking bug that occurred shortly after its release have caused a lot of confusion. Many SEOs and site owners are seeing significant fluctuations in their search rankings and are unsure whether these changes are due to the core update or the bug.

John Mueller from Google advises waiting until the core update is fully rolled out before making any judgments. He mentioned on LinkedIn, “You’d really need to wait until the core update finishes rolling out to make any call about its effect.”

The ranking bug was fixed quickly, but its impact on rankings has made it hard to assess the core update’s true effects. Mueller suggests comparing data from the weeks before the core update to the weeks after its completion for a clearer picture.

“Most sites don’t see big changes,” Mueller added. However, for those experiencing significant shifts, wait until the update is fully implemented before drawing conclusions.

Expected Timeline for Rollout

The rollout of the August 2024 core update is expected to take about a month. This gradual implementation allows time for changes to propagate across Google’s vast index.

Key Points to Monitor:

  • Rollout Duration: The update started on August 15, 2024, and is expected to complete by mid-September.
  • Completion Date: Google typically provides updates on the rollout status via their Search Status Dashboard.
  • Monitoring Changes: Regularly check your site’s performance metrics in Google Search Console and other SEO tools. Look for trends rather than day-to-day fluctuations.

“From looking at social posts from SEOs tracking these things, there are often fluctuations during the rollout,” said Mueller. This means you might see your rankings bounce up and down until the rollout is fully complete.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Patience: Give it time. Don’t rush to make changes based on early fluctuations.
  2. Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your site’s performance metrics.
  3. Analysis: Compare data from before and after the update to understand its impact.

While the ranking bug and the core update may create some short-term confusion, patience and careful monitoring will help you understand the true impact on your site’s rankings.

What to Do If Your Site is Affected

If your site is impacted by Google’s August 2024 core update, don’t panic. Google has provided guidance to help you steer these changes and improve your site’s performance.

Questions to Consider

When assessing your site, consider the following questions. These help ensure your content is high-quality and user-focused:

  1. Is your content useful and informative? Does it provide real value to users, or is it just created to rank well?
  2. Is your content original? Are you offering unique insights or simply aggregating information from other sources?
  3. Is your site user-friendly? Is it easy to steer, and does it load quickly on all devices?
  4. Are you updating your content regularly? Fresh, up-to-date content is more likely to rank well.
  5. Do you have authoritative sources? Are your claims backed by reliable sources?

Steps for Recovery

If your rankings have dropped, here are the steps you can take to recover:

1. Improve Content Quality

Focus on creating helpful content that is meant for people, not just for search engines. Google emphasizes a people-first approach.

  • Original Research: Conduct your own studies and share unique findings.
  • Detailed Guides: Offer comprehensive guides that cover topics thoroughly.
  • User Feedback: Listen to your audience and address their needs and questions.

2. Improve User Satisfaction

User satisfaction is key. Ensure your site is easy to use and provides a positive experience.

  • Mobile Optimization: Make sure your site works well on mobile devices.
  • Fast Loading Times: Speed up your site to keep users engaged.
  • Clear Navigation: Make it easy for users to find what they are looking for.

3. Reliable Information

Ensure your content is trustworthy and accurate. This builds credibility with both users and search engines.

  • Cite Sources: Always link to authoritative sources to back up your claims.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your information current and accurate.

4. Create People-First Content

Google advises focusing on creating helpful, reliable, people-first content. This means prioritizing user needs over SEO tricks.

  • Answer Questions: Provide clear answers to common questions.
  • Use Simple Language: Write in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Engage Users: Encourage comments and interactions to build a community.

5. Monitor and Adjust

Keep an eye on your site’s performance and be ready to make adjustments.

  • Use Google Search Console: Monitor your site’s traffic and performance.
  • Track Changes: Note any fluctuations in your rankings and correlate them with your actions.
  • Be Patient: Recovery might take time, especially if you were significantly impacted.

By following these steps, you can improve your site’s performance and recover from any negative impacts of Google’s August 2024 core update. The goal is to create valuable, user-focused content that stands the test of time.

Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about this update.

Frequently Asked Questions about Google’s August 2024 Core Update

What is the Google update for 2024?

The Google August 2024 core update is a major algorithm change aimed at improving search result quality. This update focuses on promoting high-quality, user-centric content while demoting content created primarily for SEO purposes. Google aims to improve the user experience by ensuring search results are genuinely useful and reliable.

What is the new SEO update 2024?

The new SEO update in 2024 involves significant changes to Google’s algorithms. These changes target:

  • Content Quality: Emphasizing original, valuable content over SEO-optimized but low-value material.
  • Spam Policies: Strengthening measures against spammy content and manipulative SEO tactics.
  • Algorithm Changes: Refining ranking systems to better identify and demote unhelpful or low-quality pages.

How often are Google core updates?

Google releases core updates several times a year. These updates are significant and can cause noticeable changes in search rankings. For example, before the August 2024 core update, there were core updates in March 2024 and November 2023. Each update aims to improve the overall quality of search results and address emerging issues in the SEO landscape.

Google’s core updates are part of a continuous effort to improve search quality, and they often incorporate feedback from users and webmasters. It’s essential for site owners to stay informed about these updates and adjust their strategies accordingly.

By understanding these core updates and their implications, you can better prepare your site to maintain or improve its rankings in Google Search.

Next, we will explore the impact of the August 2024 core update on search rankings and what you can do if your site is affected.


In summary, Google’s August 2024 core update is a significant step towards improving the quality of search results. This update emphasizes promoting high-quality, user-centric content while demoting content created primarily for SEO purposes. Google aims to improve the user experience by ensuring search results are genuinely useful and reliable.

Future updates are likely to continue this trend. Google has shown a clear commitment to refining its algorithms to better serve users, incorporating feedback from content creators and stakeholders. We can expect future updates to further crack down on low-value content and spammy practices, while rewarding original, valuable content.

At D&D SEO Services, we are dedicated to helping businesses steer these changes. Our expertise in local SEO ensures that your content remains relevant, valuable, and user-focused. Partner with us to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your website thrives in the changing digital landscape.

By staying informed and adapting to these updates, you can maintain or even improve your search rankings. The key is to focus on creating helpful, original content that serves your audience’s needs. As always, we are here to guide you through these changes and help you achieve your SEO goals.